
Showing posts from February 11, 2024

Feb 12-18, 2024.

I cannot thank you all enough for coming out Sunday to shovel snow. This is the first time in 20 years that we've had to do this and the trail looks great! Let's hope it sets up nicely in the coming evenings. I ask that every stays off of it for the next few days please until we know how it's turned out. Fingers crossed it lasts 1 more week. I'm sure we'll get snow next week, once the games are over... 🙄 getting ready the new Mt. Wapiti! __________________________________ AlbertaWG coaches and athletes:  for Friday, Feb 16, please plan to show up with all of your gear, at the GP activity and reception centre (the new Rec building over by the legion soccer fields in Smith) for 12:00pm. A reminder that you will need to show up fed, packed and dressed to skate ski. Parents - you will drop your kids off with their gear at the GP Activity Centre and drive off. Pick-up on Monday, will be sent out via Teamsnap by the coaches as they know what the plans are. Athletes - you