March 4-March 19
Oh where, oh where is the time going?! I will be going to Sharkfest this weekend so things are going to be a bit different as most of the team is staying back. Jake has offered to help out with practices as long as he's not taken away for work... Ken may be around but has a lot of marking to do I'm sure :D and Colin and Randy are going to be with me, in Canmore. SOOO- this week, practice may be up to you. Please read the plan carefully as it's important that you all know what's going on and why we're doing it. In our last month of training/racing we usually have a few fun training sessions BUT, we're also still training for Sharkfest (those of you that are going) or the Sveinensgaard Loppet on March 17th. Fun events include: bring a friend to training; swimsuit edition; random ski adventures; and of course the much awaited ski team year-end-party. Lots to do and lots to focus on!:D Tuesday (5th): Classic (I trust that no one has yet tried to take off their ...