Week of Feb 21-27
Hey crew! We are in our last week of building and working hard. I have noticed a remarkable increase in your abilities these past 3 weeks. Great work! Monday's practice was fantastic and we will build off of it this coming week. Tuesday : Skate- on snow at 5:45-7. We will be doing some intervals and judging by the weather for this week this may be our only really hard day of practice. :) We only have a few practices left before Canmore so let's make the most out of them. Thursday : Classic- on snow at 5:45-6:30; circuit inside for 15 minutes. Saturday : Skate from 1-5 (ish). We will be doing video work etc. You will need to bring snacks, a change of clothes so that you don't get cold and lots of energy.:) Yay! Sunday : I recommend going for a minimum hour, AT, skate ski this day. There is nothing planned specifically with the team but this will help you with the races in Canmore. Have a great week!!