
Showing posts from February 10, 2013

February 11- February 17, 2013.

Where is the time going?!!! The end of this week marks the middle of February and leaves us with one week left to Westerns!! AHHHHHH... so much to do and not enough time!! Ok- so, the push is on... hard and fast for the next week, then a few fast days and then it'll be Westerns. Junior team- this doesn't affect you unfortunately. :(  Western's are for anyone born in 2000 or earlier. Parents and athletes please double check which category your child will be racing in when registering as it's different than in our AB Cup races . Please register. Tuesday : We will try to classic. Bring something gooey to put on your skis!:) I would like to work on technique and intervals- so this will be a bit tricky but I'm sure we will figure it out!:) Thursday : We will also try to classic... as we've been skating a lot! Saturday : Skate and working with the jackrabbits... we will split up and see what the leaders need for this day. MONDAY : It's a holiday, let's...