
Showing posts from March 7, 2021

March 8-14, 2021.

Thank you everyone who participated in our ski camp!! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did!! I think my favourite part is watching you all during the obstacle sprints! :D I still wished I had a trail camera for the rocking horse!!! Can you all imagine Ivan on that sucker!? Hahahahah... * Somewhere recently I saw a small ziplock baggy with a few waxes in it. This bag was left over from the duathlon and I, or I asked someone to "put it somewhere special". Anyone have any ideas??? Please text me so that I can return it to it's rightful owner please.  * Register for the Loppet this weekend! Registration is on and will be open until Wednesday at midnight. Details are below and on the website.  ___________________________ Tuesday : Easy classic day. Don't klister your skis... we're going to explore a bit and no, rock skis aren't needed yet. You guys had a hard 3 days of training so you get an easy day at practice... don't ever s...