Week of March 7-13
Congratulations to you all for an amazing weekend of racing in Canmore. You should all be proud of yourselves for what you bring to the team, for what you bring to yourself and how you challenge yourselves at training and during racing AND for how you put yourselves out there to race at our provincial finals and succeed- each and every one of you!!! I am so proud of you guys!!! *Extra special note: WOOHOOO MAMMA CORI!!!! :D Tuesday : we will be preparing for the loppet that is this weekend. We will be discussing the distances that I would suggest for you to challenge yourself in doing and then we will be going for a classic ski. We will be off snow by 6:30 as you guys are tired. Thursday : we will be classic skiing again and off snow by 6:45. Saturday : there will be NO practice as you have the loppet to ski on Sunday. You have had a few days of intense racing, followed by a long night last night and I want you guys to rest. Sunday : Loppeteers we will become!:)