
Showing posts from March 17, 2019

March 18-24, 2019.

Man- what a week!! You guys did AMAZING at the Wapiti-irkie loppet and the downhill dash  slushy sprints! For the record- the irkie, had our biggest showing EVER for a local race. A huge THANK YOU to coaches Theresa, Doris and Shannon and to the Tinworth's for setting up the hotdog/burger stand as well. A note from Doris who put this together for us: Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in the Wapiti-Sloppity-Irkie-Ookie.  Thanks to all the coaches, parents and grandparents who who helped with the race.  I don't want to forget anyone but special thanks to Coach Theresa for organizing and marking the trail, Pia the timer extraordinaire, Liz the barbecue master, the medal presenters Cheryl and Bill, Coach Claire and Coach Shannon for sweeping the trails and Lorraine and Charile for barbecue assistance - and all the others who helped. Thanks for pitching in to help!   _________________________ I'm really shocked at how quickly the snow is melting on...