September 30- October 6, 2019.
We have a busy week ahead of us! *Please check your emails for an email regarding the Alberta Winter Games trials. We've had to have a change in date and venue for this event- so please respond to my email ASAP. Thank you!* --------------------------------- Ski Swap: For those of you planning on bringing equipment for the sizing & potential exchange- ALL SKIS NEED TO BE CLEANED . No glide wax or grip wax. Please have your skis cleaned off before the sizing. Please label each item with tape- with your name and amount you would like for it, if it's for sale. It does get chaotic, so please be patient. ___________________________________________ Tuesday : Meet out at the ski lodge- 5-6:30pm Equipment Sizing will occur Potluck supper- hotdogs, veggie dogs and hamburgers will be provided Man-tracker for those athletes who are sized or who don't require sizing. Thursday : Meet at Muskoseepi pavilion- bring water!! You're going to need it. :D Saturd...