
Showing posts from February 28, 2016

February 29-March 14, 2016.

Happy Leap Year Day! We’re officially into our week of tapering… and as a few boys figured out today... we’re down to a one-hand countdown before heading off to Greenland! :D Things to panic about: none ! Things to prep: lots ! We will be meeting on Tuesday to answer all your questions so write them down please and come with them. Tuesday : Skate until 6:25/Team meeting at 6:30. Please bring : a bag, and a $50 check (or cash) made out to Cross Country Alberta for the team jackets (you will not receive your jacket without this check); bring a bag to take home your XC Uniforms in please- there will be race suits (do not get to keep), relay tights (do not get to keep), race toques (you get to keep), team jackets (you get to keep).  Thursday : Skate ski until 6:15 then waxing your race skis with rex blue on them and DO NOT scrape them. Please ensure that your classic skis are clean ALL OVER! I’ll have Megan and John checking your skis prior to packing them. If you have ...