
Showing posts from February 4, 2024

Feb 5-11, 2024.

Please pay attention to the detail changes in dates and times.  ______________________________ AlbertaWG PARENT volunteers: Reminder to pick up and register at Centre 2000 on Saturday until 4pm. Go early to get the best size. AlbertaWG athletes: for Friday, Feb 16, please plan to show up with all of your gear, at the GP activity and reception centre (the new Rec building over by the legion soccer fields in Smith) for 12:00pm. More details to come, but you will need to show up fed, packed and dressed to ski. ArcticWG Team: Reminder that staging is happening this Saturday, Feb 10th from 1-3 at JPII.  ______________________________ Tuesday : ROCK skis- meet in the Biathlon parking lot 5:45-7:15 on snow. Come early enough to get your gear sorted out please. Bring what you have and we will figure out the rest. It's spring skiing conditions on the North trails.  Thursday : ROCK skis- meet at the lodge 5:45-7:15.  Saturday : ROCK skis- meet in the Biathlon parking lot again 10-11:30 on