March 19-March 25.
WOW!! Checking out results on Zone 4 for everyone who's abroad and for our KISS (Keep It Simple Svensgaard- great one JIM!) locals... I'm impressed!! I was sleeping whilst you folks were all out racing your hearts out today!! :) Usually, when it's the last few weeks of training we're out goofing around- BUT, seeing as SharkFest is still our focus- we have intervals, hills- up and down, sprints, distance and work to do- hence why I was sleeping this morning!!:) Serious, I was... anyhow- Am really impressed over all. Actually, am really just overwhelming proud of you lot this year and all that you have accomplished. You should all be proud of yourselves for your skiing accomplishments over this year!! Ok, enough mush... For this week the weather is supposed to cooperate with us and stay cold so we will be skating - classic without a track is hard and I don't need any klister fights (right Nick and Elmer) in the wax room. :) Skate on Tuesday and Thursday. Saturday...