
Showing posts from October 24, 2021

October 25-31, 2021

HOW in the world is this the last week of October????? It was suggested that we have a bring your dog to training- for Halloween. Unfortunately with dogs and skiing it worked really well, I just don't know how to make it work with training and your training plans. Maybe submitting your photos dressed up (ie: Abbey below) can be an option, or this can be discussed at training on Tuesday. I'm open to realistic options. :) Thank you Abbey!! :) Uniform Orders : the website should be up and running this week. I have most orders for people, but there's a new option of uniform pants if anyone is interested. I will send out the details when I get them. In past years, I collected the order and submitted it, billing each family separately and this seemed to work well. If you have any concerns or questions please let me know. My plan is to have the order complete 24-36 hours after the site is made available to us.  ____________________________________________ Tuesday : Meet at Thrill