October 10-16, 2016
Rest week is over- hope you're all stuffed full of love and turkey cuz this week is the start of our next hard cycle. Tuesday - meet at the ski lodge. If you're running late- text me as I'm not sure what trails we will be able to run on to do our warm-ups- I'll see when we're out there. Thursday - READ ALL DETAILS PLEASE! Ski swap/gear swap- please bring clothing that is laundered- see email for pricing suggestions. SKIS MUST BE CLEANED ENTIRELY BEFORE SIZING. THERE CAN BE NO GLIDE or GRIP WAX ON THEM AT ALL (do this prior to coming please). There is a parent meeting planned as well- please ensure that one of your parents is here for this meeting. Athletes- come ready to run- I'm just not sure how much time will be needed for ski sizing/gear sizing. *What doesn't get sold can be taken out to the ski lodge on Friday and put in the kids ski swap occurring out there on Saturday. This may be a good place for you to look for gear prior to heading ou...