
Showing posts from March 27, 2016

March 28- April 7, 2016.

Last post of the season… I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. For some of you, you won't read this until you're back from your various vacations… hope you had fun! Others- it's your nose to the grind!! :P Just kidding!!! Tuesday - Skate- rock skis. Officially- this will be our last ski practice of the season. I will try to get out to the lodge early- but early for me now-a-days is 5:15… I'd like skis that are going to Canmore (race skis still) to be waxed with Rex Blue and scraped please. IF you haven't skied on your skis since Greenland- then they're Rex Blue waxed and only require scraping - this information will be handy for me prior to getting out on snow. Canmore - I will be leaving GP on Wednesday evening around 5pm from the Davis' house. If you're catching a ride with me, please meet me there (Zach, I can pick you up on my way to picking up Mika around 4:30). I strongly suggest registering for the banquet dinner as it will mean o...