
Showing posts from October 16, 2011

Week of Oct 17-23, 2011

Hello!! Sorry this didn't get up last night... jetlag is still haunting me.:) WNSC membership renewal is up and running- register off the website: or go directly to zone 4. It says Oct 20 but it's up now.:)  Team question? Are we wanting to race the weekend team relays? If so we need to get teams together and then get registered. Let me know on Tuesday for practice. Tuesday : Bring short poles to the lodge please as we are doing ski specific stuff now that you guys are much fitter!!:) Am really impressed to see your results with the fitness test from last week and we will continue to push you to get stronger and faster!:) Thursday : We will be at the lodge- no poles. Bring lots of energy and enthusiasm for this one!:) Saturday : Rollerskiing/relay race- pending on what you guys choose. Let me know what your preference is by Tuesday. That's it- have a great week!! Claire