
Showing posts from January 23, 2011

Week of Jan 24-30

Hello Race Team! Gearing up towards AB Cup 3&4 this coming weekend we have a few things to do. Ensure you pack everything, ensure you're registered before 8pm Wednesday, make sure you have a ride and check out the list that Cori made regarding our rooms and who you are staying with. Tuesday:  We will be doing circuit/meeting with Claire about your goals, then skating which will include some intervals and technique. We will be off snow for 7pm. Thursday:  Be prepared to stay a bit longer. IF you show up earlier, then you won't have to stay as long- there's a tip for you and your parents. Come early and clean off and hotwax your classic skis and skate skis with Rex Blue (found in the race team wax box). Then we will be on snow from 6:30-7:00 ensuring that the lodge is cleaned out for Chicks to come. After 7 we will have a team supper (need to confirm this with Cori) and discuss our plans for Edmonton with all parents there. Friday: Depart for Edmonton and staying ...