
Showing posts from February 1, 2015

February 2-8, 2015.

Where o where is the time going?! There are only 8 weeks left and SO much to do and ski!!! Please pay attention to this blog for details about the next few weeks. Yes, weeks- as there is some fore-planning required. Tuesday - CLASSIC!!! Finally! Camrose may or may not be a go for this weekend (fingers crossed and prayers being said that it is!)… we will know by Tuesday morning if it isn't. PLEASE REGISTER BEFORE MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4. Also, please be aware that the change of weekend would be to February 21/22 which is the weekend where you all are volunteering for the Special Olympic Races (email Grant Bourree if you still have not registered- again this is a mandatory event for the race team and I know that there are a few athletes who have yet to register). There are a few families who have stated that they will be staying behind to help with the races and some of those who will be going to the races- please email  Grant Bourree  IF you can no long help IF th...