
Showing posts from February 13, 2011

Week of February 14-21st

I have had 3 responses regarding an extra day of training for the 26th of February. Is there any other takers to this day? I need most of the team there for this to work please. Please note below, your decision . I will be offering an extra day of training this week as well. If you are here please show up on Monday for an extra day. See below! Environment Canada is showing lots of snowflakes this week and colder temperatures than we've been having... So, classic here we come.:) Tuesday:  Circuit til 6; classic til 7. Intervals... preparing for Mt. Shark. :D Thursday:  Circuit til 6; classic til 7. More intervals. :D YAY!!! Saturday: AT workout- laps of the lower trails as Biathlon will be racing. Am not sure who is going to be skiing with you guys this day. Will see. :) Monday: Technique session, video, practicing and having fun. This day will be more relaxed as we will have more time to focus on each athlete and your technique. This will be a great session before ...