November 10- November 16, 2014
THERE'S SNOW !!! In case none of you noticed!! Thanks for those of you who joined us skiing on Saturday! Lots to go over in this post, please read all of it!! TIME CHANGE: We will be on snow for 5:30-7:00pm on Tuesday's and Thursday's, 10-12 on Saturday's. From 5:30-5:45 you will be on your own to warm-up. The warm-up loop is XC Stadium, up to Biathlon Stadium, down around Claw Ridge and back in. 2-3 loops of this is good all done in zone 1, PLUS 1 quicker loop of just Claw Ridge. As you guys are looping you are kind of 'skiing together'. Please ensure that your equipment is ready and that you're on-time. Skis need to be waxed, buffs need to be on if it's -8 or colder, toques on your head, water bottles around your waste, headlamps on and mittens/gloves as per the temperature. I find that a lot of time is wasted from people running in and out of the lodge constantly forgetting things. We have a very limited amount of time to prepare for our races, p...