
Showing posts from March 23, 2014

March 24-March 31, 2014.

WE'RE BAAAACKKKKK!!!! What an awesome week away full of tons of great competition, fantastic weather, amazing people, FUN and most of all an awesome team of athletes and coaches! I'm not sure where the time has gone- but this is our last post for the 2013/2014 season!!! Lots to put in so please pay attention! :D 1. Sharkfest - is now being held in Canmore and we're scheduled to be there. Please, if you're coming, let Randy know so that hotel rooms can be confirmed and our numbers known. This is the last race of the Alberta Cup Series and is always a lot of fun! 2. Club Wind-up Party- The Wapiti Nordic Ski Club is hosting their wind up party on Saturday April 12 if you would like to attend: Pot-luck Banquet on Saturday April 12th Family Event, Awards, Potluck Buffet Spring Meeting at 4:00pm Dinner at ~6 pm Come early for the Spring WNSC Meeting & Elections commencing at 4:00 pm Share your ideas with next year’s Executive. Potluck Buffet contribution su...