
Showing posts from March 20, 2011

Week of March 21-27

Hey Crew! As it's currently raining outside... I am not sure what we will be doing for Tuesday's practice. Come prepared to do either please and it will be an interesting technique session. :D We will be off snow by 6:45. I will not be here on Thursday which leads into a perfect day for a random ski adventure. Bring your rock skis and if you don't own any, then use the 'revolutions'. Saturday will be a group ski up to and around the north trail system. A good pace but not too fast and not too slow either!:) It's Mika's big birthday bash and so we won't be there either. I'm sure you will all enjoy yourselves... make sure you stop by the infamous hill by the old lodge and ask Joel to show you how to go down it appropriately!:D Woohoo!!! We need to come up with a ream party date asap!!! 2 emails were sent out replying to the Easter weekend... let's pick a date and then plan for it. The WNSC Swimsuit Ski Edition is not going to happen until...