
Showing posts from September 29, 2024

September 30- October 6, 2024.

Great weeks of practice team! I'm seeing loads of improvements and am quite excited about this week's practices! SNOW has been spotted in a few locations close to GP!!! It's coming this year!!! ❅🥳 REMINDERS : Team registrations & payments were due on September 28th.  Please see the email with payment options.  Registrations online with zone 4 and payments, plus your intended races as soon as you can please. Thank you everyone! ________ Next week Tuesday, we will be out at the lodge to size up equipment that people are unsure if their athlete(s) have grown out of. ALL skis that are being measured MUST be cleaned off immaculately for the best testing. The team ski swap will be held on Saturday, October 12th at the lodge from 10-12, those not needing equipment will be out mountain biking or running with the coaches.  ________ There is a call out to anyone able to help with trail maintence sent out via teamSnap last week. Please see the chat if you're able to help out