
Showing posts from January 26, 2014

January 27- February 2, 2014.

A huge congratulations goes out to the team for some awesome racing on Saturday!! Way to go guys, the conditions weren't the greatest, but you persevered and you all rocked it!! Amazing work to each and everyone of you! Thank you to all the parents that drove, organized, waxed, fed, cheered, started, skied with, finished, loved and helped all around to make this weekend a great weekend. It's too bad about today, but as we've seen from this, there's no control over the weather and we will enjoy those awesome race skis that are all waxed and ready… on Tuesday instead!!! Thank you Red Deer Nordic for hosting a great race- the environment of the event was fantastic and Les, you rocked with your announcing- thank you! Where is the time going?! I'm starting to panic that we're running out of ski season!!! This season feels shorter than usual, by about 3 months and I'm not sure where the time is going. There is only a few days of training left before a group of y...