
Showing posts from September 11, 2016

Second post of the season! Sept 12-19.

Who's paying attention and starting to read the blogs?? :) Don't forget water bottle holders and water bottles filled... Tuesday - Meet at the lodge: we will be doing a group warm up and will go from there. We are starting on time as this is a timely workout that we won't have enough time to do it all if we wait around. I will need lots of support from the older athletes as well. Thursday - Meet at Muskoseepi in the front of the pavilion. We will do a team warm-up and move over to the spray park and the skate board park areas if you're going to be late, after the warmup. Saturday - Meet for roller skiing- bring runners, a bike (if you're one of the younger athletes), helmets, dress brightly, water bottles and holders and ski boots and poles- Please don't assume that you will be roller skiing… we may not have enough sets if everyone decides to show up to the same practice. But as we discovered this past Saturday- we had enough for a few newbies to give it a...