
Showing posts from October 17, 2021

October 18-24, 2021

Great job team on training thus far!! Saturday's workout was a HUGE push and am super proud of you guys. For those of you who asked about my fall- I'm bruised (mostly my ego) and Mika patched me up nicely. :) For those of you who missed this epic event... This is what I looked like post fall, as Kelly Clarkson says, "whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" and this folks... is proof that even old coaches keep it real!! :D  Thank you to coach Shannon and coach Theresa for all that biking!! 25km+ for those two with their back and forth and speed work and thank you chauffeurs Jennifer and Cheryl for driving us down! Uniform Orders - am still waiting to hear back from Jackroo to open our store. I'll get back to each person who put in an order, individually, when I hear from the company. _______________________________________ Tuesday : Meet at Thrill Hill- and if you have an outdoor yoga mat, please bring it. Bring water bottles. Juniors you will be running