
Showing posts from November 22, 2020

November 23-29th, 2020.

There's some exciting things happening- so pay attention to the following dates please! You're going to be responsible for being prepared. :) The race team (we will need parent volunteers to help run these events) will be hosting Classic Distance Races Dec 5th 10-12; Skate sprint races Dec 8th during practice time; and Christmas Relay Extravaganza on Dec 19th; 10-12. All races will be at the lodge and will start in the stadium. *Just a reminder that Juniors start 6-7pm.  Tuesday :  LSD ski (long sustained distance ski)- skate : focus is on no stopping and skiing in like-speed groups. We will focus on the North trails- Full moon loop is our goal. Juniors, you will also be going for a longer ski, as we are building up our skiing endurance.  Thursday : We are starting to do our race prep- as your first race will be 10 days out from here. Training focus from here on in, is getting you all race ready and confident! Like I said at the beginning of the year, we may be THE most f...