
Showing posts from October 19, 2014

October 20-26, 2014.

Build Week 2: You will all be happy to hear that I'm putting off the fitness test for yet another week- the weather has been too nice that I don't want to waste a roller skiing day for something we can do in the rain or sleet or snow. :D It's not going to be as warm this week- but it's definitely not normal temperatures still, so being thankful instead of cranky that snow isn't here yet… we are still doing some awesome dry land training!!! From here on in, always bring your poles (shortest ones you have for running with and otherwise what you use for roller skiing will be fine) to practice.  Tuesday - meet at the lodge. Bring your short poles and water bottle etc… Thursday - meet Mallory at Muskoseepi. I left her with words such as: hills, hard, long, abs, poles… basically, you'll have a whack load of fun!!! :D And I look forward to receiving her feedback on you guys after her workout. Saturday - meet Ken and Mallory out at the correction line. You will be...