March 13-19, 2017
Edited Thank you everyone for your support and letters to nominate me for Coach of the Year. Award or no award, it is an honour to be a coach everyday. I love it and you guys- so thank you for your support in turn! Great job on the team relay today!!! Thank you ALL for permitting me to teach the junior team about poor sportsmanship- it was a good lesson and they were all shocked that they could learn from my bad behaviour today!! I'll recap at practice on Tuesday for the rest of you! :D Great day of laughing and glamour!! See Wapiti Nordic FB Page for pics ! Thank you Lori for posting those. This month is flying by and there's still some house-keeping stuff to do… so pay attention to the blog!!! Next week or the week following we will be doing the annual swimsuit edition - (although Fernandois pulled it off well today!!:) ) and the annual bring a friend to skiing (March 23) . Bring a friend will be on a Thursday and swimsuit will be weather permitting- dates wi...