
Showing posts from November 13, 2016

Nov 16-Nov 20, 2016.

I'm BAAACKKK!!!!! :D And I look forward to hearing how the past two weeks went/seeing your fitness increases! There are a few key features in this blog- please read it all . A response is required. 1 . Although there isn't any snow on the ground, the evenings are cooler and the weather no longer permits wearing shorts or short sleeves. Please show up dressed appropriately- your body needs to be covered head to toe with clothing- it's also cold/flu season and if you're not dressed appropriately you will get sick. A thin toque/head band and thin gloves, jacket, long sleeve, t-shirt, long pants, headlamp, and water bottle are a requirement. This should go without saying… but apparently a reminder needed to be sent. If we feel that you're not dressed appropriately, you will not be working out… it's not worth you getting sick over. 2 . Racing in Canmore is quickly approaching and we still haven't been on snow. Jake informed me that Hinton got a dump of snow...