Sept 30- Oct 6, 2013
I hope you guys are ready for a rest week!!! What does it mean? Well... it means we still work out just not quite as hard as last week!;D For those of you who attended the Northern Alberta Dryland Skiing Camp- WAY TO GO!! I know you guys will definitely need a break after the long training days we put in. Great job to you all for your enthusiasm and 'giving your best' out there. For those of you that weren't able to join us... we have a lot of sharing to do!!! We all learned something this weekend! This week only- we will be a Muskoseepi Park BOTH days!!! Tuesday- Meet at the pavilion at Muskoseepi and bring your water bottle and holder. Thursday- Meet at the pavilion at Muskoseepi and bring your water bottle and holder. Saturday- Meet at the parking lot out by the Aquaterra Road and the Correction Line for roller skiing. Wear something bright, bring poles for roller skiing, bring a helmet, bring running shoes, bring a water bottle and holder, bring your s...