
Showing posts from February 23, 2014

February 23-March 2, 2014.

We're heading into build week #2. Please let me know if you're sick as this will affect the training plan . Also, as I stated before- with only 3 weeks left with the full team and only 5 weeks left to the season, each training session is important and I'm not able to cover what was previously taught. We have lots to go over still and very little time. Therefore, it's important to not miss practice, if you do miss practice because of illness, drink lots of water and rest lots- email me and I will do an extra 30 minutes training session with you on the coming two Sundays (barring that I'm here this weekend & that you're feeling better). Tuesday : Skate- working on hill technique, both up and down. Using those awesome intervals and such!:) Thursday : Classic- it's supposed to be colder this evening- please dress appropriately for the weather. A few of the athletes will be preparing their skis for the Alberta Youth Championships in Bragg Creek. You will ...