January 21-27th, 2013.
What a crazy week last week was- but you guys completely rocked it!! Fitness test results look good... we may try for a few more strength days instead of snow days in the coming two months to get your strength up as both of those workouts last week were doozies and it showed on your bodies on Saturday! Couldn't have asked for better timing though! And it's snowing now! MARCH : Please note that I will be away March 12-20th . I am making up the lost time with extra Saturday's and will have a training schedule in place for the days that I will be gone. As the loppet falls on the Sunday that I'm away- training will be geared towards that event for that week leading up to it. Please check your March calendars and if you have any concerns or questions just email or call me. Junior Parents! Please note a few things. 1) Edmonton AB Cup is Feb 2 &3 . This event is open for you to attend but you will be in charge of your own expenses. I will (mostly Ken & Randy) wax ...