November 18 - November 24, 2013
We have snow!! Again… Let's hope it stays this time!! Great practice on Saturday, I hope you all learned a thing or two that you can work on for the next while. Waxing Lessons: Will occur before practice and into the first 30 minutes of practice for those who would like a bit of extra time. I would like everyone to have a refresher please- yes, even the oldest on the team… it's good to just have reminders- I do it every year myself. Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday before practice I will be at the lodge from 5 onwards. * Please register your athlete and read the race notice : Registration is found through the race notice (all the race information that you will need) which takes you directly to zone4. If you have any questions, please just ask. Registration deadline is Wednesday, Nov 27 @ 11:00pm . Please register early. Tuesday : Classic (hopefully if we don't get too much more snow) DRES...