November 24 - 30, 2014.
I swear it was just Halloween last week!!! Where's the time going? Great first race of the season everyone! It's good to get the cobwebs out of the body and moving forward into areas that need to be worked on to be faster and just plain ol' awesome. :D Tuesday : We will be splitting into two groups for this practice: Group 1 - will be led by Megan- this is everyone who isn't going to Canmore. You will be classic skiing- long sustained distance of an elevated heart rate but not too hard that you can't keep going for the whole practice. Bring a headlamp, water bottle and if there are any parents who aren't going to Canmore who can ski with the group, it would be greatly appreciated. Group 2 - those of you going to Canmore; you will wax your skate skis before practice and then your classic skis after practice. We will be doing a 45 minute workout in the stadium/clawridge on your classic skis. Please wax your skis with Rex Blue first, then LF4 and scrape ...