
Showing posts from February 15, 2015

February 16 - March 1

Hello Racers!! Please note that this blog post is for THE NEXT 2 WEEKS. Please also note - Saturday March 14 is a mandatory team event- practice will be from 10am-2pm. Details to come regarding this event which will be held at the old ski lodge (and area). Snowpants will also be mandatory! :D Week 1: Feb 16-22 We will be focusing on classic for the next two weeks , leading up to the Loppet. Please keep checking on zone4  to register for this event. I'm unsure of when registration will open. I encourage you to all do a distance longer than you would normally choose- keeping in mind that we ski around 10-15km/ practice… who knew right?! :) Tuesday : Classic: speed and technique day! Thursday : I will be splitting you up into groups this practice to go for a long 'small group' ski. No one will be skiing alone and I will have pre-planned distances that you will be doing for this practice- please be on snow for 5:30, with a water bottle and headlamp. Saturday : There...