September 16-22, 2019.
Week 3! Already! A HUGE congratulations to those race team athletes (and organizers of the event) who ran today in the Don't Get Lost in the Woods ! Everyone on the team placed in the top three in their categories!! Way to go team!! I have emailed out a survey- please fill it out with your athletes- it's 4 quick questions. Athletes get your shirt-hoodie forms into me by this Tuesday please. Athletes get your music suggestions into me by this Tuesday too please. We're thinking of doing a Weiner roast out at the ski trails next week after a practice- stay tuned for this. TUESDAY : Meet at Muskoseepi Pavilion ready to run. Don't forget your water bottles! THURSDAY : Meet at Muskoseepi ready to count and to run! :D SATURDAY : Please come prepared- everyone who was at practice this past Saturday- well done! ALWAYS bring runners and a helmet - we will do running warm-ups, regardless of the equipment you have. Also, please bring water bottles in HOLD...