Week of Dec 13- Dec 19
I have received only 4 replies back regarding your 3 questions following the Canmore races. These were to be emailed to me by then end of last week. If you would like to meet your goals and improve in any way- I need to have these emailed to me immediately . clairerichter@me.com Practice during the next four weeks is imperative to either be at or doing on your own. If you would like to see a change in your results from Canmore to Edmonton, then showing up at practice is necessary. I realize that we are heading into Christmas and even I won't be here, it is still really important to maintain practicing and building your fitness, especially as the baked goodies start coming out! I will be at all three practices this week. If you aren't going to be coming to practice it is Ken's and my expectation that you let us know if you are not going to be showing up. _____________________________________________________ Tuesday : Let the intervals begin! Yayyyy! Okay, I know that th...