
Showing posts from February 12, 2012

Feb 13-19, 2012

Congratulations Crew on an amazing weekend of racing, officiating, cheering, chaperoning, waxing and coaching. Somehow, you all figured out a way to get to the games and it was awesome running into you or waxing for you over the weekend. We even had a guest appearance from Rachel!:) So, I realize that the majority of you will be busy handing out your autographs tomorrow- rest up, drink lots of water to help you flush out your muscles... as we have a lot of work left to do! Tuesday : Technique day- classic stuff. Dress more warmly than you usually do for whatever the temperature is as we need to bare down and get your technique perfect! Thursday : Skate day. Waxing party to follow- not sure if supper will be involved or not... Friday : Travel to Drayton Valley/wherever we are staying. Saturday : Race Super-duper hard: Classic Distances: Mika 1.2k; MM 3k; M 4k; Juv 5k; Jun 7.5; Davis 10k; Cori 10k; Claire 0k. Sunday : Race even more Super-duper hard: Skate Distances: Mika 0...