Week of Nov 21-Nov 27, 2011.
Racers MUST have your racing licenses for Canmore. Please ensure that this is done!!! If you don't know what I'm talking about please talk to Cori/Ken/Randy about this. _____________________________________________________ I can't get over how fit you guys are this year!! We are less than 2 weeks away from Canmore and I'm stoked about your first races!!! RULES (from now til March): Now that we are on snow (YAY) we will be on snow for 5:45pm sharp. If you are late, we will do a swing by the stadium at 5:55pm- if you miss this as well, then go for a ski and do some hills. Every day we will be changing it up- be on time. We will be off snow for 7:00pm. Why 5:45 you ask? This gives you time to wax your skis- in case you forgot that yes, we have to do this. :) We have 4 days of on snow practice (not including Friday at Canmore) before you race SO... here's my plan. Tuesday : Classic skiing- speed work and tempo stuff, along with technique stuff as per usual....