
Showing posts from September 15, 2013

September 23-September 29

IMPORTANT- Those who have roller skis- please bring them back to me this week. Either Tuesday or Thursday. We need them for the training camp in Camrose that a lot of you will be at this coming weekend!! Well I'm feeling my abs today! I hope you guys are too!:D We are in our fourth build week... that means the hardest week of this first cycle- YAY!!! Be prepared to sweat and have some fun!! Tuesday : Meet at Muskoseepi Pavilion- 5:30-6:30. 15 minute warm-up and be prepared for a tough workout! Bring a water bottle. Thursday : Meet at the ski lodge- 5:30-6:30. We will be running and doing some hills. Please bring your waterbottle in a holder!! IMPORTANT- Those who have roller skis- please bring them back to me this week. Either Tuesday or Thursday. We need them for the training camp in Camrose that a lot of you will be at this coming weekend!! (yes, I repeated myself... it's important to bring them back!) Have a great week!! C :D

Sept 16-22, 2013.

Hope you've all recovered from our fitness test! *reminder to not get caught up on these results! They are just a baseline gauge for me to see how fit you guys are getting over the season! Now that everyone has seen and know what the chaotic experience is all about we can focus better on technique and counting proper technique sets verses incorrect technique. Something that we will be working on over the next few months!! Tuesday : Muskoseepi Park- 5:30-6:30. If you have a skipping rope please bring it!! Don't forget water bottles and HOLDERS to go with the water bottles! Thursday : Wapiti Nordic Lodge- 5:30-6:30. We will be working around the lodge outside. Saturday/Sunday : If you have roller skis please go for 45-60min on both of these days. If you don't have roller skis... go for a run- 30-45 minutes.  *IF YOU ARE GOING TO CAMROSE PLEASE REGISTER ASAP!!  See you out there!!!