January 5-11, 2015
Hoping everyone survived the cold!! It looks like the temperatures are going to be warming up towards the end of the week and we won't have to cancel any practices this week- we just need to dress warmly! Gearing up for our next races- which include 1 classic and 2 skate races… we will be focusing more on skate, except when the temperature isn't in our favour (i.e.: Tuesday & Thursday) and we will be classic skiing. Please note the changes in training for the weekend. If you can't make the changes in the training time please call or text me and I will send you a workout to do on your own time. AB Cup 5/6 : REGISTRATION CLOSES MONDAY JANUARY 12!!! Zone4 This is earlier than usual. Also- please read the RACE NOTICE - midgets and older race Friday and/or, Saturday and Sunday… I will be in Canmore on Thursday at 1:00pm. Please email me your plans so that I know who/how many I'm prepping for, for the classic races on Friday. Many families have booked in at the Ram...