March 4- 10, 2019.
What a great week of technique this past week and indoor training- I hope you guys are sore!!! :D This is an exciting week with a quick trip to Ft. St. John on Saturday! The teams are in and everyone who indicated that they would be interested in racing the relays are registered! Registration closes on the 6th, so if there's any late entries, please let me know. *There are a few athletes who still owe Claire $10. Please pay this week. Teams : See if you can figure out who's on which team... Team 2 may change ... pending on a few late entries. *UPDATED Wapiti Dr. Huggy- Shortstop (Ethan) Wapiti Mini (Lena) Stinky Corvettes Wapiti Captain Munchy Wolverines Wapiti Cheezy Dancing Davo (David) Wapiti Tiny (Heidi) Mighty One-skis Wapiti Sparkly Sony Ladybugs Wapiti Wellington Arrow Geese Vehicles : John : Seamus, Aidan, Corwin and Will Claire : Lara, Ella, Miriam, Mika, Shannon, Caroline Martins : Ethan, Sara, Troy and Colson Fehrs : Signey, Nigel are goi...