December 31- January 6, 2019.
Note the changes to Sunday!! H a p p y N e w Y e a r ! ! ! Sadly we've had a few cancelled events this season- but not in 2019!! (fingers crossed anyway) New Year = a time to make a few changes! Thank you all for your flexibility to Saturday's practice! What a great space and you all worked hard. The new year starts us into phase 3 of the training cycle that I've planned. Phase 3 means less focus on technique (you've all got it nailed for now) and more focus on speed and distance. Training will encompass always moving- no stopping for breaks, unless it's to wait for me, because I told you guys too!! The Annual New Year's Day event is back at the Ski Club! It's a bit different this year, which makes it all the more fun. See details below. We have a race coming up in a few weeks in Canmore. Please make sure you register for this if you're planning on attending. Check the files in TeamSnap for details on hotels etc. Race Notice: AB Cup 3/4 ...