
Showing posts from November 3, 2013

Nov 4- Nov 10, 2013.

PLEASE READ : I'd appreciate not having a repeat from Saturday please. Before Tuesday's practice I'd like you to all read page four of your Wapiti Race Team Handbook. I'm serious. I have had a few concerned parents approaching me informing me that their athletes feel like practice isn't difficult enough; I have athletes informing me that they weren't ready for a rest week; I make practice more difficult; and I get the entire team walking back to the parking lot… IF you guys aren't ready to move to the next level and be prepared for our races that are 3 weeks away… that is your choice, I can't make miracles happen. Practice is designed for you to push yourself to your maximum every time (except during rest week), if you're not tired, then you didn't work hard enough. I can't make it any more plain; work hard and the results will show! Tuesday : Meet at Muskoseepi. Wear gloves, bring water bottles and shoes with a good grip for running on sl...