
Showing posts from January 10, 2021

January 11-17, 2021

It's RACE week with the team !!! Please pay attention to details on the blog- things are going to look a bit different this week.   Please note the TIME CHANGE for Saturday. Tuesday : Skate: Today will be race prep for Thursday and ultimately Saturday. Each senior race team athlete will be in charge of their own warm-up today- I encourage you to ski your course for Saturday during this time. Juniors, you will warm up as a group. Then, at 6:05 seniors you will ski your course with your group; you will then do a time trial of your course (we will try and time it) and then you will ski a 10-15 min recovery ski on poplar loop. Once you've done this, you will then ski a zone3 loop of Poplar (and maybe claw ridge) for 10 min and then there will be a group cool down for the remainder of practice.  Group 1: Coach Nathan, Adam, Seamus, Nigel, Liam, Aiden, Jameson , Makena,  ( meet  by the timing tower) ( You are racing the Blue Course ) Group 2: Coach Claire & Coach ...