February 15-21, 2016.
Congratulations to those at Alberta Winter Games!! A first great day of racing for everyone!! A HUGE thank you to coaches Mallory, Jake and Jim for attending the games with the team and for keeping everyone excited and racing well!! Now we wait for the rest of your results... :D Congratulations to those who stayed behind... you've been out skiing and I am very proud!! Lots is happening for the team this week again... great job everyone for keeping on top of the details. Tuesday - Those not at AbWG obviously- we will be classic skiing- there's a track, we're going to try and use it. Bring your headlamps. Try and wax your skate skis before practice with Rex Blue. You will have time after practice to wax your classics with rex blue. Thursday - Those of you not at Western's and just fresh back from AbWG- we will be classic skiing (hopefully) and you will need headlamps. Saturday - Skate practice. Bring a snack. _________________________________________ Junior Race...