
Showing posts from October 3, 2010

Week of Oct 4-Oct 10, 2010.

Hey Gang, This is the plan for this week. If you have any questions please email me: Thanks. Tuesday : 10 min warm-up provided by Ken and Jim (?) to meet Claire at Stairway. 35 min at stairway working on technique, happy hill stamina, and double poling. 15 min cool-down returning to lodge. Thursday : 10 minute warm-up provided by Jim and Randy (?) 45 minute circuit; 45 seconds on; 30 off. 5 minute stretching. Saturday : - weather permitting 15 minute run to warm-up. This should be done at zone 1-2 where you can tell each other your life stories of the past week. 8 minutes to gear up & drink water. Juveniles/Juniors + Nicholas: 67 minutes on roller skis which includes no stopping .       -10 minutes without poles       -20 minutes of equal: hot chocolate tray; candle sticks, check marking and gunslinging (one pass of         each and rotate through the 20 minutes doing all four...