March 23-30, 2020.
Just a reminder that there are no more official practices due to the COVID-19 outbreak that has also arrived in Grande Prairie this past week. Please enjoy the beautiful snow conditions that we have currently- classic and skate are both still great options. The pussy-willows are out, the birds are coming out (I heard geese today) and the trees are turning to their spring colours! Enjoy each day, wash your hands frequently and don't forget to get out and get some fresh air each day!! I too will be out on the trails after work this week getting in some distance still! Stay healthy! _____________________________ Update : March 23, 2020. Hello everyone- although COVID-19 remains not airborne in Grande Prairie, it is highly unadvisable to be out amongst each other now that things have changed here in GP. I recommend going out for a ski with your family or by yourselves (don’t get lost), and enjoy our beautiful trails and to still be able to be outside. Be safe and keep your eyes...