
Showing posts from September 26, 2010


Hello Junior Racers and Parents, My plan is to have this updated every Monday. I will post what the goals of the week are for training and then post the training plan for the team. I will only be posting 3 of the 4 days as the 4th day will be upon request from athletes on a week to week basis. I am doing this for a variety of reasons but mostly as I won't be able to cater this fourth training day to each of you and post it without confusion. Athletes, if you are interested in a fourth day of training, I am willing to sit down with you away from coaching to discuss what this day (and when) should look like and cater it to your needs of the week/month/season. Parents, if you have any concerns please let me know. Blogs will be updated weekly only and so athletes should only have to check the blog once a week for updates. This should be easier for all of us alike and should limit any confusion as to where and what is going on for practice. Please also check the site for importa...