
Showing posts from November 29, 2015

November 30 - December 6, 2015

It's RACE TIME! Please pay attention to the details in this blog- they will come in handy for Canmore and for the prep to get ready for Canmore. 1. Please pay $64 to Claire for your hoodie if you haven't done so already. This is due by Tuesday this week or your order will be cancelled . 2. Please register! in the search section type in NORAM and it's the first thing that pops up. Registration closes on Wednesday. Tuesday - be prepared to be out at the lodge until at least 8:30. Supper will be provided. Skis (both classic and skate) will need to have Rex Blue waxed on both. Training can be done on ski club skis- skate technique. The lodge is now officially open, so if you can show up earlier to get skis done, please do so. Training will be a bit backwards. Please be at the lodge on time for practice- I will start with race info and expectations. I will also go over the Arctic Winter Games selection criteria with athletes and parents if they are a...